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Burnt Mill Creek, Mountville SC 29360

Burnt Mill Creek Transformation, Mountville SC

Project Details: New James Hardie Siding

We removed this old, tired, tan vinyl siding because this homeowner wanted board and batten. She originally called thinking that vinyl siding was the only thing in her budget, but we were able to replace her siding with JamesHardie to get the ideal board and batten vertical look that she was going for. New, crisp, fresh white JamesHardie vertical board and batten fiber cement siding with new black porch columns that make the house POP!

Here at C&W Roofing, we are so proud to serve customers in the Upstate SC, Western NC, and Northwestern GA areas. To see more of our work, visit our project gallery and check out our amazing transformations.

before after mountville james hardie

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